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Agent Presentation

Age Protect is a new age verification approach with a unique combination of character- istics: (i) it is opt-in: a parent or guardian can choose to protect their minor children and adults can use it to prove they are of age (ii) the privacy and anonymity of all parties is respected (iii) it leaves the existing internet experience unchanged for those that don’t opt-in. Age Protect is a technical specification that defines the interactions between three kinds of parties: online service providers, digital wallets, and age ver- ification services (AVSes). Service providers can implement it to offer age-restricted content and services consistent with prevailing laws and regulations. People can use it by installing a compatible digital wallet and having a relationship with a compatible AVS. Using this wallet a person can convey AVS-attested age-related information to service providers which can use it to authorize access to content and services they offer on their apps, websites, or other online services. You can read the Age Protect paper .

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